Okay...okay... This is not a concept ship. It is the ion cannon from The empire strikes back to shoot them down. Conceptcannons.blogspot? This is a taste of what direction my multimedia blog/zine is headed in. I've got some great stuff in store for conceptships.blogspot in 2008.
Starting January 1st 2008, conceptships is going to highlight the best sci-fi movies of our time who have produced the world's most influential concept ship art and designs.
It's going to be a retro look back at the best sci-fi ships that have paved the way for todays filmers and concept design artists compiled of rare photos and multimedia film loops along with a little commentary from me here at conceptships.blogspot.
I've put a lot of thought and effort into my compilation so please join conceptships starting January 1st highlighting the most influential spaceship design in movies/film and television.
Keywords: conceptships multimedia blog with sound star wars loops film clips archive top most influential concept ship designers media zine magazine flash loops sci-fi film loops