Monday, August 31, 2009
Amazing turntable animation by Nicolas Crombez... Thanks Nicolas! Watch out though... This bad boy is 14 megs:)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Some old images and a Flash loop of the Solar Sailer from the 1982 TRON film as well as some bootleg images from the upcoming TRON LEGACY movie set to debut in 2010. Check the trailer.
Keywords: solar sailer concept ships from tron and tron legacy film cinematic movies disney pixar animated flash loop stills frames
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
sundragon83 at deviantart.
Keywords: alex figini concept vehicle spaceship environment digital pen tablet speed paintings deviant art account aka sundragon83
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Highly detailed 3d modeling on peperaart.com.
Keywords: 3D three dimensional concept lunar lander video game concept ship art from by paul pepera artist currently working as an environment artist at id software previously worked at timegate studios freelance weapon and vehicle related art
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Anthony Colard sent in some work recently. He writes:
To explain this project, it's a rescue system with a big flying airbase called Orion flying around the world like a plane carrier. From this base, a squadron of rescue hybrids made by Caudron fly to the crisis zone. They carry rescue modules available in multiple configurations to fit the different crisis types (fire, hurricane, great cold, earthquake, volcano, etc).
Keywords: concept ships world wide flying airbase orion conceptual rescue vehicles designed to respond quickly for disasters on sea and land flown by sexy female pilots :) student diploma project by anthony colard
Alfredo's Draw In Progress blog.
Keywords: concept spaceship art blog by from alfredo dosztal draw in progress blogspot sci-fi oriented starships and vehicles character designs argentina south america concept artist
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mike Doscher A.K.A. Malaveldt.
Keywords: technical hard surface concept illustration design art from mike doscher aka malaveldt digital renders doscher-design.com
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Jonathan sent in this personal watercraft concept for travel both on and under the surface of the water. A grad project titled Eon.
Keywords: sea doo concept personal watercraft ship vehicle for on and under water travel designed by jonathan brault as a grad project called eon physical practical model build
Monday, August 10, 2009
Looks like Jon finished the ship sketches from this thread.
Keywords: jon mccoy design concept spaceship sketches to full digital renderings renders